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Do you want to learn about all the different aspects of digital marketing that are proven to bring in RESULTS for all businesses. Sign up for our Digital Marketing Masterclass with our trained experts.​​​

Valuable insight from our experts

Learn best strategies and tools

Hands-on training
CONTENT CREATIONContent creation is so important for your business in order for people to see who you are as a business and team. You need to be equipped with the proper knowledge and tools in order to create the most effective content for your business. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: - How to conduct research to understand trending content and what performs best - Different ways and tools to use to create content - Creating organized, structured content plans for successful photoshoots and content days - Choosing the right platforms to post your content on (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Google, etc)
PHOTOGRAPHY/VIDEOGRAPHYIn order to create content, you will need to understand the basics of photography and videography. You will receive the opportunity for hands-on training to practice capturing content through photos and videos with both professional camera equipment as well as iPhones. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: - Suitable camera equipment to use based on the content you plan to capture - Basic photography and videography skills - Understand the basic settings and features of a professional camera including ISO, F-stop, shutter speed, zoom, etc. - Best lighting equipment to use for your project - iPhone tools and strategies to create content
PHOTO/VIDEO EDITINGOnce you capture content, it's time to make it as appealing and engaging as it can be. You will need to understand the basics of photo and video editing. You will be introduced to editing platforms to enhance your knowledge and skills to edit your own content. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: - User-friendly editing platform to use for editing photos (Adobe Lightroom) - Editing platforms to use for editing videos on both the professional camera (Adobe Premiere) and iPhone videos (CapCut) - Understand basic settings, features, and tools of each editing platform such as coloring, lighting, cropping, touch-ups, etc. - Importing and exporting photos and videos from editing softwares
WEB DESIGNNow that you have beautiful content, let's build a website. You will receive instruction on creating and designing your own website that best showcases your business. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: - The importance of websites and their impact on a business - Essential elements to include within your website - How to create and design a website on Wix - Design features and editing tools to create a visually appealing and well-structured website - Design strategies to create an engaging website
ADVERTISINGOnce your website is optimized, let's start running advertisements. You will receive instruction on creating and setting up your own advertisements on Facebook/Instagram and Google. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: - Key elements to incorporate into your advertisements to increase lead conversions - Research audience demographics to understand your audience and enhance advertisement performance - How to create advertisement accounts on Facebook/Instagram and Google - How to create and run a campaign, and analyze campaign results
SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENTNow that more people are seeing your business, make sure your social media is professional and creates a strong brand awareness. You will receive instruction on managing various social media platforms that are important for your business' digital presence. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: - Use tools and platforms to manage and schedule posts - Tips on how to create a visually appealing feed - How to use social media to enhance and strengthen your brand - Implement strategies to improve growth, engagement, and increase visibility - Analyze social media insights and data to understand your social media's performance and audience demographics
SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATIONIt's very important to have a strong presence on Google as this is the most common search engine people turn to when looking for a business. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: - Variety of strategies to incorporate when managing your Google My Business page to improve ranking on Google - Introduce website SEO strategies - Understand what keywords are and their importance - Conduct effective keyword research
What are you waiting for?
1,500 US dollars
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